
Loup Garou is a human who can shift into a wolf-like creature. Werewolves are a shape shifting race of whose origins date back to ancient Greece.

Myths and Legends

The earliest case of jackpot is Proto-Indo-European mythology as an aspect of initiation into the warrior class.

The Greek myth of Lycaon is that he challenged Zeus by trying to serve him human flesh at a banquet. Zeus rained down thunder bolts and turned Lycaon and his sons into wolves.

During the Werewolf and Witch trials many were accused of monstrous attacks and black magic. Witches were hanged and Wolves were killed. Evidence of these attacks relate sto food poisoning and drugs.

Becoming a Werewolf

To inherit lycanthropy one must be bit, born, or cursed.

An alpha's bite will either turn you into werewolf or a different shapeshifter, or it will reject your body and kill you.

Being born to a werewolf parent means you will become a werewolf by puberty, born werewolves have more control and knowledge.

Cursing a werewolf with a spell will make them into giant wolf l-ke creatures with no humanity or control.

Types of Werewolves

Werewolves are set into 3 different classes.


Alphas are the most powerful and lethal werewolves. They are stronger, faster and smarter. Alphas have the ability to create their own pack. To become an alpha, a werewolf must kill his respective alpha or it can be passed down from father to son. Werewolves have been known to have a history with lions. They fight together in battle.

An alpha's eye color is a deep crimson red, but they can be any other color usually brown or blue

Alpha Powers and Abilities:

Alpha Bite- Alphas can bite humans and turn them into betas.

Alpha Call- An alpha's roar can send weaker betas into submission and their howl will attract their pack and sometimes force them into wolf form.

Physical Dominance- When an alpha inflicts wounds upon a beta, it will take longer to heal.

Shape-Shifting- Alphas can turn into a wolf- they don't have to be scary men wolf- they can be full wolf and change back

Enhanced Beta Powers- Alphas have the basic werewolf powers but are enhanced to be more powerful.


Betas are the most common type of werewolf. Alphas have to bite a human or be born to a werewolf to become a beta. Betas follow their leader (alpha) and follow his/her command. A beta can kill an alpha to become one or once in 100 years he can be a True Alpha but its hard because a alpha is the strongest and a beta is not

A beta's eye color is golden yellow, but if they kill someone who is an innocent, it turns into a cold steel blue. but again it can be any color usually a gold, or green

Beta Powers and Abilities

Enhanced Senses- A werewolf has senses stronger than the normal human.

Beta Call- Betas can roar to make omegas cower to them and to threaten other hostiles. Betas can howl to signal their pack.

Pain Siphon- Werewolves can help heal the pain of other by physical contact, this method will hurt the werewolf performing it.

Shape-Shifting- Betas can shapeshift into humanoid wolf l-ke beings. but all wolves shift with clothes on and when they are turning back into their human form they are naked...


Omegas are the weakest and lowest of the wolves. Omegas are least powerful and have little privileges. Omegas are usually the punished and shamed wolves.

Jackson Whittmore Omega Werewolf

Omega Werewolf

They have the yellow and blue eye color like betas.

Omega Powers and Abilities

Weaker Beta Powers- Omegas have the powers of a beta but are weaker.

Shape-Shifting- Omegas can shift into a more rabid werewolf with less control.

Scott McCall Alpha Roar

omega are normally all alone and are not in packs or are the bitches of the pack.
